KWIL powered by Livesign announced as COBA 2023 Platinum Sponsor

Natalie Skinner

September 27, 2023

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Signifying its commitment to helping the customer owned banking segment compete in the digital space, KWIL powered by Livesign has been announced as a Platinum Sponsor of the 2023 Customer Owned Banking Association (COBA) conference. The conference will take place on the Gold Coast from September 24-26.

KWIL – a digital mortgage document solution from Galilee Solicitors –allows banks and lenders to handle the entire mortgage process electronically, from approval through to settlement. This includes document sending, signing and return, as well as customer communication and workflow tracking. KWIL also integrates with Livesign to biometrically bind the borrower to their government issued ID at the precise point of signing the mortgage.

Galilee Solicitors Managing Partner Simon Duke is proud to be introducing KWIL powered by Livesign to the customer owned banking segment.

“The lenders we currently work with have seen a significant increase in processing efficiency and a decrease in settlement fall-over rate as a direct result of using KWIL powered by Livesign.

“With paper processes, documents take an average of 10 days to be returned to the lender. Up to 50% of those documents come back with some form of error which then starts the process all over again.

“KWIL powered by Livesign offers a simple, digital way of executing important documents that takes less time while maintaining a high level of security.

“In a world where refinances are set to hit record highs and customers want faster processing times and less hassle to complete their mortgage documents, I want this to be an opportunity to encourage every COBA member to get on board with a digital solution.

“Committing to the platinum sponsorship was a no-brainer as we are passionate about delivering innovative solutions that streamline the mortgage fulfilment process. Through our continued engagement with COBA, we can support local and community banks with their digital transformation journey.” Mr Duke said.

Livesign CEO Lara Paholski looks forward to returning to COBA in 2023 with a bolstered product offering, including an increased focus on customer privacy so that lenders can avoid the identity leaks that have plagued organisations such as Medibank, Optus, and more recently Latitude.

“Livesign’s integration with KWIL offers end-to-end, secure document execution for lenders and their customers, and now it also protects lenders from the risks of storing an identity honeypot in the event of a cyber-attack.

“With the features of both programs combined, we have a solution that gets documents executed quickly and ticks off due-diligence obligations in the most secure way.

“We want to empower all COBA members to be confident in what digital processes can do for them.” Ms Paholski said.

To find out more about KWIL powered by livesign, click here or book a demonstration here.